Top 10k strings from Horizons (1982)(Sinclair Research)(16k)(Side A)[a2].tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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8 d$="ENTER": 6 22c1For use with microdrive etc. 5 d$="STOP THE TAPE": 5 d$="START THE TAPE": 5 d$="PSION 4 sidea 4 mcode T 4 d$=f$(j,i) 4 d$="sinclair": 4 d$="or any other key to continue": 4 d$="ZXSpectrum": 4 d$="You pressed "+d$: 4 d$="WRONG!": 4 d$="TEST": 4 d$="SERIES": 4 d$="Press y to run again": 4 d$="Press the flashing key or keys": 4 d$="Press STOP to exit": 4 d$="Press "+ 4 d$="O.K.": 4 d$="KEYBOARD TRAINER": 4 d$="CURRENT": 4 d$=" ": 4 ch+" to continue": 4 ^-+= :`?/*,. " 4 ;"VOLUME SET CORRECTLY"; 4 ;"TRY AGAIN": 4 ;"PLEASE WAIT": 4 ;" to continue": 4 ;" ": 4 ;" "; 4 ;" ": 4 +"zxcvbnm " 4 )="1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjkl"+ 4 )="!@#$%&'()_ 3 d$="It should have been "+d$: 3 ;"00000000000000000000000000000000"; 2 d$="MAKE": 2 d$="Enter "+d$: 2 d$="CAPS/SYMBOL SHIFT": 2 d$="CAPS SHIFT-"+ 2 ;f$(j,i);" "; 2 +"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL ZXCVBNM"+ 2 )="1234567890QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL ZXCVBNM " 2 "hardware" 2 "dictionary" 1 sidea x 1 rainbow 1 p$=p$+f$(n): 1 p$="TYPE OF KEYWORD: Function": 1 p$="TYPE OF KEYWORD: Command": 1 p$="TURN TAPE OVER": 1 p$="STOP THE TAPE": 1 p$="REWIND & START": 1 p$="Press any key to continue": 1 p$="PSION 1 p$="KEYWORD": 1 p$="END OF SIDE A": 1 p$="DICTIONARY":: 1 p$="CHAPTER "+f$(s 1 p$="CAPS SHIFT-6 TO STOP": 1 logo 1 lesson4 L 1 lesson3 1 lesson2 1 lesson1 1 k$="4567": 1 k$="0123": 1 hardware 1 file 1 e$="You can read from and write to RAM (this program is in RAM) butthe contents of RAM are lost when the power is switched off.": 1 e$="You can attach other peripherals(e.g. a printer) besides the standard ones in this diagram using the edge connector.": 1 e$="This program will introduce the Spectrum hardware. We will startfrom the inside with the parts that form the microcomputer.": 1 e$="The most complex (yet cheapest) component is the microprocessor or CPU (Central Processing Unit)The CPU in the Spectrum is a Z80": 1 e$="The interface between the CPU and the peripherals is complex but is handled by a single ULA -a custom-designed chip.": 1 e$="The cassette recorder is an input and output device which is not for communication but forstorage of programs and data.": 1 e$="The TV & loudspeaker are output devices which the Spectrum uses to pass information to you. The loudspeaker is playing now.": 1 e$="The Spectrum 'talks' to you via the TV and you talk to or input information to the Spectrum using the keyboard.": 1 e$="The ROM contains fixed programs and data which allows the Spectrum to start working as soon as it is switched on.": 1 e$="The CPU is of little use withoutmemory and the Spectrum has two kinds: ROM (Read Only Memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory).": 1 e$="In order for the computer to do useful work it must communicate with the outside world through peripheral devices.": 1 e$="Do you want to run this program again? Press Y or N for Yes or No.": 1 e$="Because it is vital that you know how to use the keyboard there follows a series of programs to ensure just that.": 1 dictionaryT 1 d$="and then press any key": 1 d$="You should have pressed "+d$: 1 d$="The Spectrum Hardware": 1 d$="THE E CURSOR": 1 d$="SYMBOL SHIFT": 1 d$="Press any key to continue": 1 d$="PRESS "+d$: 1 d$="PRESS "+ 1 d$="MODES": 1 d$="MODE CONTROL": 1 d$="Loading lesson1": 1 d$="LESSON TWO": 1 d$="LESSON THREE": 1 d$="LESSON ONE": 1 d$="LESSON FOUR": 1 d$="KEYWORDS": 1 d$="Enter & Press": 1 d$="ENTER" 1 d$="ENTER "+k$: 1 d$="DO NOT PRESS BREAK!": 1 d$="Check that the mode is correct": 1 d$="CONTENTS": 1 d$=" Loading dictionary ": 1 d$=" Loading lesson4 ": 1 d$=" Loading lesson3 ": 1 d$=" Loading lesson2 ": 1 d$=" ": 1 d 1 c$="KLCEG": 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ?????????????????? 1 ?????????>>>>?>?>???????? 1 ???????>8>8>8>>8>8>8>8>??????? 1 ?????88>>>>>>>>>8>>>>8>>>88???????888>>>>>>>>>>>8>>>>>>>>>>888??8888>8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>888888888>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>888888888>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8888888>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>888888>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 1 ;'"CURSOR": 1 ;"While pressing key H and CAPS SHIFT together...": 1 ;"We will first concentrate on thewhite keywords which are on the keys." 1 ;"Use CAPS SHIFT to produce upper case characters...": 1 ;"These keywords are the most commonly used and always appear at the beginning of a statement or after the keyword THEN." 1 ;"The upper (green) symbol is accessed unless SYMBOL SHIFT is pressed when the lower (red) symbol is produced.": 1 ;"The red keywords and symbols on the keys are produced by pressing the appropriate key andSYMBOL SHIFT together" 1 ;"The next test will ask you to enter a sequence of characters (or string)." 1 ;"The letters and numbers on the Spectrum are laid out in the same way as a typewriter." 1 ;"The interpretation of a key is not only affected by the shift keys but also by the present mode - as indicated by the cursor. There are 5 modes:" 1 ;"The following test will continuead infinitum unless you exit by pressing STOP (SYMBOL SHIFT & A)Try pressing STOP now." 1 ;"The flashing words on and aroundthe I key are keywords belongingto the Spectrum BASIC language." 1 ;"The current cursor is shown above. Press the keys that make the current cursor the same as that which appears in this space": 1 ;"THIS PROGRAM IS INTENDED AS A GUIDE TO THE KEYWORDS USED BY THE SPECTRUM BASIC";''';"IT PROVIDES A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EACH KEYWORD AS YOU ENTER IT"''' 1 ;"Remember - you must make the 1 ;"Pressing BREAK stops the programYou can restart by entering RUN (press r followed by ENTER).": 1 ;"Normally the 1 ;"More about the flashing parts in the following lessons. In this lesson,we will concentrate on letters and numbers." 1 ;"Lesson 1: Typewriter mode" 1 ;"In the following test, assume that the Spectrum is expecting aBASIC keyword": 1 ;"However, you will notice that there is much else on and aroundthe keys which makes this keyboard more complicated and powerful than a typewriter keyboard." 1 ;"Every word or command in the Spectrum BASIC is entered by pressing the correct key or keysfor that command and NOT by spelling the command out." 1 ;"E.g., pressing just key H...": 1 ;"0000000000"; 1 ;" upper case "; 1 ;" lower case "; 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888::::::::::::::::888888888888::::::222222222222:::::888888::::2222222444444442222222:::88::2222444444444444444444442222::2224444,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4444222444,,,,,)))))))))))))))),,,,44444,,,)))))) 1 24c1Clears all variables in memory 1 23f2Same as PEEK, for input-output'ports 1 23c2Same as POKE, used with input-'output ports 1 21c2As with PRINT, but uses'ZX printer instead of screen 1 21c2As with LIST, but uses'ZX printer instead of screen 1 21c1Copies the screen to the printer 1 20f3SCREEN$ (l,c) gives character'at line l, column c, of screen'Also used with SAVE etc. 1 20f3SAVE <name> LINE n: will GO TO n'after LOAD has completed'Also used with INPUT Ch.15 1 20c3Used to check that'a program on tape will LOAD'successfully 1 20c3Loads program without deleting'existing one (except for line'numbers which overlap) 1 20c3Loads program from cassette'and clears existing programs'and variables 1 20c2Stores program and variables'on cassette 1 19c1Sounds the loudspeaker 1 18f3Reads keyboard and gives'character produced by key'currently being pressed 1 18c2Halts program for specified time'(pressing a key resumes) 1 17f3POINT (x,y) tells whether pixel'at x,y is ink or paper colour'(0 = paper, 1 = ink) 1 17c2PLOT x,y sets pixel at x,y'to ink colour 1 17c2Draws straight or curved lines'from current position 1 17c2CIRCLE x,y,r draws a circle with'centre x,y and radius r 1 16f3ATTR (l,c) gives attribute byte'(FLASH, BRIGHT, PAPER & INK)'at line l, column c 1 16c3Sets paper colour on screen'Can also be used inside other'statements, as in PRINT PAPER n 1 16c3Sets ink colour on screen'Can also be used inside other'statements, as in PRINT INK n 1 16c3Determines whether characters on'screen will flash or be steady'Use in the same way as INK 1 16c3Determines whether characters on'screen will be bright or normal'Use in the same way as INK 1 16c2Controls overprinting of'screen characters 1 16c2Controls inverse or normal video'of screen characters 1 16c1Sets border colour 1 15n3AT l,c sets PRINT and INPUT'position to line l,column c'of screen 1 15n2TAB c moves PRINT or INPUT'position to column c 1 15c2Allows data to be entered into'a variable from the keyboard 1 14f3USR "a" gives start address of'user defined graphic a'Also used for machine-code Ch.17 1 14f3CODE s gives the code of the'first character of string s'Also used with SAVE etc. 1 14f2Used to express numbers'in binary form 1 14f2Gives the contents of a single'byte of memory 1 14f2CHR$ n gives character whose'code is n 1 14c2POKE a,n sets value of byte at'address a to value n 1 13n2Used in IF statements to reverse'true and false 1 13n2Logical "or", usually used'in IF statements 1 13n2Logical "and", usually used'in IF statements 1 12c1Sets the dimension of an array 1 11f2Generates pseudo-random number'between 0 and 1 1 11c3Sets RND to start at a specified'place in its sequence'of random numbers 1 10f3The ratio of circumference'of a circle to its diameter'(=3.1415927 approx.) 1 10f2Trigonometric tan function'Argument in radians 1 10f2Trigonometric sine function'Argument in radians 1 10f2Trigonometric cosine function'Argument in radians 1 10f1Trigonometric arctan function 1 10f1Trigonometric arcsine function 1 10f1Trigonometric arccos function 1 10f1Raises argument to power of e 1 10f1Natural logarithm to base e 1 00000000055000 1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000044444444444444440000///////0000000000000000000000000/?????/0000000000000000000000000(?????/0000000000000000000000000/?????/0000 1 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 000000//555000000000000000000000000000//550000000000000000000000000000000550000 1 000///////0000 1 ,x;"Letter (lower case)"; 1 ,x;"Keyword expected"; 1 ,x;"Graphics characters" 1 ,x;"Extended (off the keys)"; 1 ,x;"Capital (upper case letter)"; 1 )=" 1 )+" OF MANUAL": 1 ))))),,,,4,)))) 1 ((00000000000000 1 '''"This is the 1st of 4 lessons which are designed to teach the fundamentals of the Spectrum keyboard.": 1 ''"Pressing the same combination again resets to the 1 '"When you are asked to 'press' a character or keyword, you shouldnot press ENTER after pressing the required key.": 1 '"The word 'enter' will always imply that you should terminate the character or characters by pressing the key ENTER." 1 '"The Spectrum uses this property to decide whether to interpret a letter key press as that letter or as the keyword on thatkey." 1 '"Lesson 4: Extended mode" 1 '"Lesson 3: The cursor mode" 1 '"Lesson 2: Single Entry Keywords" 1 " Simply enter the keyword of your choice as you would in BASIC, using extended mode in the normal way" 1 cursor is used to produce the graphics symbols on keys 1-8and for user defined graphics." 1 cursor is used to access the keywords and symbols which are above and below the keys" 1 cursor is active unless the Spectrum is expectinga keyword when the 1 cursor is active. The remaining 3 modes orcursors can be set by pressing the following key pairs:" 1 CAPS SHIFT & SYMBOL SHIFT"''" 1 CAPS SHIFT & 9 (GRAPHICS)" 1 CAPS SHIFT & 2 (CAPS LOCK)"''" 1 9f2Strips quotes from string,'evaluates as a string 1 9f2Strips quotes from string and'evaluates as an expression 1 9f2STR$ n gives string that would'appear if n were PRINTed 1 9f2SGN n =1 if n>0, 0 if n=0 and'-1 if n<0 1 9f2Gives integer part of numerical'argument (always rounds down) 1 9f2Calls user-defined function'(see DEF FN) 1 9f1Gives square root of argument 1 9f1Gives length of string 1 9f1ABS n gives positive value of n 1 9c3Allows you to define'your own functions'(see FN) 1 6c3Sets up a list of data items'for READ command'Also used with SAVE etc. 1 6c3RESTORE n will reset pointer for'next READ to first DATA item'after line number n 1 6c2READ v assigns to variable v'the next item in a DATA command 1 5c3GO SUB n causes a jump to line n'When a RETURN is found, program'returns to command after GO SUB 1 5c2Defines end of subroutine'(see GOSUB) 1 4n3Sets the amount added to the'counting variable after each'loop in FOR-NEXT loops 1 4n3Separates initial value & limit'in FOR-NEXT loops and string'slicing (Chap.12) 1 4c1Last command in FOR-NEXT loop 1 4c1First command in FOR-NEXT loop 1 3n2Must always follow the condition'in an IF statement 1 3n2"Not equal to"'Mainly used in IF statements 1 3n2"Less than or equal to"'Mainly used in IF statements 1 3n2"Greater than or equal to"'Mainly used in IF statements 1 3c2Used with THEN'to execute code conditionally 1 3c1Clears the screen 1 2c2RUN n clears all variables and'executes program from line n 1 2c2LIST n displays program listing'on screen from line number n 1 2c2GO TO n causes program to jump'to line number n 1 2c2For comments: anything after it'is ignored until next line 1 2c2Erases all programs'and variables 1 2c2Continues program after error'from line where error occurred 1 2c1Used to display items on screen 1 2c1Stops the program 1 2c1Assigns a value to a variable 1 cursor current before you can access the symbols which are above and below the keys.": 1 , 1 1